This project is inspired by 1990's "Shoegaze" album art. The music within this genre is composed of looping instrumentals and distorted vocals. These auditory elements melt into one and other, much like the visuals that represent the subculture. In the trials displayed below, I attempt to channel this style of design through original research, photography, collaging, and digital manipulation. The end goal of this venture was to create a poster that encapsulates the entirety of the genres aesthetic.   
After this process, I decided to repurpose these images into a simple booklet. I paired my compositions with excerpts the novel "Auto Portrait" written by Édouard Levé. This choice is discussed within the booklet along with a spliced version of the photograph "Nan One Month After Being Battered" (1984) by Nan Goldin. 
1990s Shoegaze was the catalyze for this design project but the creation of this booklet was my own personal endeavor.

(click the cover image to view each spread individually)
Iterative Design

Iterative Design
