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Evaluating an App Using Design Audit

I wanted to show some of processes I used in my projects however, showing that also means showing client confidential information. I could scrub the confidential data myself but it would still need approval before it can be showed publicly along with a number of rigorous legal processes. So instead, I did this quick exercise to show one of the processes used in user experience designing, which is Design Audit.

Note that a Design Audit is done by a team or multiple participants. It was just me who conducted this process but for the sake of example I’ll proceed in describing the next steps as done with a team of mine.

In this sample, we’ll be evaluating the credit card payment of a bank app I use.
In this stage, we identified all the issues about paying a credit card by writing them on sticky notes and posting them on the respective screen print outs. We also labeled the issues under three categories which are Visual Design (VD), Interaction Design (ID) and Data Architecture (DA). Doing so would be easier to group later on.​​​​​​​

NOTE: When identifying issues, it is important to write them down as plainly as possible and not to jump to recommendations right away. By doing so, we avoid bias solutions.
Next, the team and I evaluated the severity of these issues and labeled them under three categories, Low Level, Medium Level and High level.​​​​​​​

After all the issues have been placed, we’d go through them again to see if there are any redundant issues. Issues that are out of scope or even ones that we have missed out. Once all the issues have been finalised, we categorised them according the types mentioned. By doing so we’d get a better picture of all the issues that need to be addressed.

We get to have an idea if we would be needing to tap on other roles, or if we would be needing more resources for the project. For example, in the second image below, we see that the type of issue we have the most is Information Architecture with just a count of 10, having 1 UX Writer in the team would already suffice to meet the Information Architecture issues.
After identifying and analysing all the issues, we proceed in giving our recommendations. Again, this should be done as a team so you can evaluate each others solutions.​​​​​​​
After discussing and verifying the recommendations carefully with each other, I designed a medium fidelity prototype based on it.

I designed a medium-level prototype in this scenario because the app is already existing and being used so the prototype should follow the look and feel of the existing app.

I designed the prototype using Sketch and InVision Studio, you can check it out using this link:
Evaluating an App Using Design Audit

Evaluating an App Using Design Audit

I wanted to show some of processes I used in my projects however, showing that also means showing client confidential information. I could scrub Read More
