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Support These 4 Organizations This Earth Day

Every year, Earth Day occurs on the 22nd of April. It is a day to bring change to our actions in how we treat our environment and to raise awareness to policymakers. The first Earth Day was celebrated in 1970, and since has since been recognized internationally by millions of people. Many people choose to spend Earth Day outside, planting trees or cleaning up litter. In addition to spending the day outside, below are four excellent organizations committed to bettering our environment that are worth donating to.

With over 3.5 million members, The Sierra Club is one of the largest and most influential environmental organizations in the United States. The organization has built a community of volunteers, activists, and advocates who have brought about change to several crucial environmental issues, including the Clean Water Act and Endangered Species Act. Through working with partner organizations, The Sierra Club has organized movements and has been committed to improving the earth we live on each day. The Sierra Club is focused on people and justice, lands, air, water, and wildlife, and finally, climate and energy.

The mission of the World Wildlife Fund is to conserve nature and reduce any threats that could damage diversity on our planet. 84% of the organizations spending is specifically directed towards conservation activities. With over five million members worldwide, WWF reaches areas all over the globe to support conservation efforts in six key areas: freshwater, wildlife, food, climate, forests, and marine.

Working worldwide to protect land and water, The Nature Conservancy is made up of scientists and experts in local lands and policy who work together to combat climate change and to protect the earth’s resources. With decades of work beneath their belt, The Nature Conservancy has protected more than 119 million acres of land. Globally, they operate hundreds of conservation projects.

Trees for the Future is dedicated to planting trees as a way to provide empowerment and a food source for families and communities worldwide. Through planting trees, families develop important skills in addition to income. They have planted over 115 million trees since their onset, changing the lives of people in nations all over the world. Visit their website and learn what your carbon footprint is and how many trees you’ll need to plant to offset the difference!
Support These 4 Organizations This Earth Day

Support These 4 Organizations This Earth Day

Read on to learn more about environmental organizations worth supporting!


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