Student Project - Cabrini University, Typography II

TASK: Choose an existing magazine to redesign OR design a new magazine that not currently in production.
OUTCOME: I chose to create and brand my owns men's parenting magazine. Mr. Mom, a magazine for The Real Dad in The Real World, was created for  single dads or stay-at-home fathers who needed a little extra help caring for their child/children. I wanted the magazine to have a masculine feel, so I chose to use gender neutral colors and design a strong black and white cover. I also wanted to keep the architecture of the magazine fairly simple. Therefore, each chapter is easily distinguished by an icon: Calendar (Present), Ball (Play), House (Home), and a Path (Future).
Mr. Mom | Magazine

Mr. Mom | Magazine

Task: Redesign an existing magazine or design a new magazine with a brand new concept (School project). Outcome: I decided to design a magazine Read More
