Always wanted to try this on myself, so I did! Thought the cracks would give it more of a powerful look, and the hair also. Not too sure why, I like the hair either way actually, if there were a time when I had powers, I'd have pretty crazy hair i guess (DBZ definitely :P)
Though, I have to say I prefer this one, it's simpler but the energy ball turned out perfectly! As it was based on Rasengan from the anime - Naruto. Looks much more realistic than the first, also took me a while to realise the first could be seen as the bad/evil me whereas this design could be the good version. I know, seems obvious now. For both I have added quite a bit of contrast and brightness just to help blend in, making the energy look more reastic and with the lighting changes added to my face/arms this can be seen more clearly.
The style to this was much different to the other two, for starters the energy shown is in a 'beam' form rather than a 'cylinder/ball' form making the whole picture more difficult to achieve in my opinion. From the moment I chose red for the energy colour I knew it had to look dark, evil and sinister, and did exactly that. I used the same hair technique as before and the only big difference as far as editing goes were the eyes.


I've always wanted to give myself energy when I got photoshop, just thought I'd add a few extra touches, like the hair. This was simply for fun, Read More
