These illustrations below are an amalgamation of ideas and their fruition. Pore over them and you can check out more in my illustrations project :D
Robins always been a complex character. His entire existence in comics has always been of growing up. I remember the first time I picked up a batman comic and that was the first time I saw robin. The gargoyle and the imp. Very muddy the thoughts in your mind get as you grow older. Not me, for I am young but for those before me.   
This was inspired by 'kick the can' a stop-motion film I had done and have uploaded. We were going through a lot of documentaries my facilitator and I and we came across the making of "kubo and the two strings" and the scale the team was functioning on was amazing. Just to capture a little bit of that finesse and care that these professionals are used to is what I tried here.
art 2018

art 2018

These illustrations were reactions to things that i was interacting with in 2018
