I TO NIJE SVE! creative agency's profiledora bence's profile


Ballantine's goes BLTN
Repositioning Ballantine's and push it to the younger / forthcoming generation was a big challenge.
We needed to understand where the brand is currently in the eyes of the consumer, understand the generation that we wanted to like us and design / customize the brand box to a new target group. 

Ballantine's is, undoubtedly, a great drink with big tradition. Who says that he never relaxed with Ballantine’s and Coke mix, hmmm, maybe he’s not telling the truth. Unless that person is younger than 25 years. Then the chances that he/she never tasted this legendary drink is quite large. A new generation of kids came and they do not want to drink the same drinks that were drinking generations before them. They don’t want to copy, be the same. They want to show that they are adult enough to be independent now. Different. Cool, in their own way. And to achieve that they can not be drinking the same drinks their elders used to give away as a present to their favorite uncle. Therefore it’s crucial to find as many points of contact between the generation Z and  Ballantine's as well as to find a way in which these touchpoints will be communicated.​​​​​​​

Thanks for watching.

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Repositioning Ballantine's and push it to the younger / forthcoming generation was a big challenge. We needed to understand where the brand is cu Read More
