After learning the basics of pattern making and draping as a part of the introductory apparel course in college, we were supposed to develop a garment based on a photograph.
I decided to work with one of Steve McCurry's picture which can be seen above. The colour palette derived from the same image can also be seen right above the image itself. The keywords describing the mood of the picture have been listed along with it. These words further guided the development of the silhouettes and even the forms used in the sketches.
Following is the ensemble that I sketched out inspired from the picture above. All the garments are supposed to be elegant and relaxing.
The final garment was made by using two different types of Khadi. Heavy weight for the jacket and light weight for the A-Line dress. Both the khadi fabrics were dyed using direct dyes.

Guides : Sonal Chauhan
              Nasirh Bhai
Model : Sanjana Vamadevan

Apparel Design


Apparel Design

A garment inspired from one of Steve McCurry's photographs, developed in different kinds of dyed khadi.
