The Memory Palace is a concept design for a device that helps people curate and store memories that they have recorded with their phone. The artifact is created as a conceptual consumer product, primarily functioning as a data storage device made to endure the test of time. It stands upright, becoming an unintrusive sculptural object that can be placed on your desk, mantelpiece, or bookshelf. It remains dormant and out of the way while not in use. 
When tilted on its side, the Memory Palace becomes a projector and a speaker, the red nob allows the user to navigate the projected interface while in use. The device’s speaker is hidden within the grove that separates the base from the body of the design. Connectivity between your phone and The Memory Palace occurs through an intermediary smart phone app, allowing for the secure storage and contextual playback of your most treasured moments. It is meant to endure time through it’s rugged design and durable materials and to be looked back upon for an emotional experience that surpasses current methods of revisiting memories. This project was designed as a response to the question: “How might we preserve emotional moments in early infancy?”
We envisioned a family sitting together in the dark, enjoying the curated media that has been stored away in the Memory Palace.
The speaker is integrated into the body of the Memory Palace, allowing the design to maintain its simple look.

Note: This project was a collaboration between Colleen Maccuish, Yuchen Fu, and myself. My role in this project was mainly in the conceptualization and product design and visualization of the Memory Palace. I have remodelled the device since it was submitted as a class project.
The Memory Palace

The Memory Palace

The Memory Palace is a tech device that aids in the preservation and storage of recorded memories. It was designed as a concept product inspired Read More
