As life expectancy has increased and fertility has declined, Australia's ageing population has changed dramatically. In Australia, there are more people aged 65 and over than ever before, which raises certain issues, such as health care. 

SugaScan is an instrument that helps diabetics monitor their blood sugar levels regularly throughout the day noninvasively and comfortably. This project aims to solve the problems that the elderly have when monitoring their blood sugar levels.
SugaScan is activated by placing the device between the index finger and thumb. The SugaScan uses infrared technology to transmit radio waves through a human body section, such as the area between the thumb and index finger. An opposite-side sensor of the SugaScan device receives these signals and analyses the data about how the blood within the tissue responds. As soon as the device is done scanning, it emits the results and automatically stores the information in the SugaScan app.

The SugaScan App consists of:
RESULTS: Categorised from time to day, week and month, Form, Level of risk table, PDF file. 
ABOUT THE USER: Name, Age, Gender and Contact Email, Medication records.
SETTINGS: Battery Percentage, Volume Control, Bluetooth Alert.
HELP SECTION: Frequently Asked Questions, Doctor’s Information, Terms and Conditions, Language Setting, Report a problem.


