Branding and Packaging design for the new Ruby Chocolate, that pays full attention to its origins of the Ivory Coast and the people behind the product. The Ivory Coast is the world’s largest cocoa producer, as well as the origin of the Ruby Cocoa bean (a 4th kind of chocolate, which is naturally pink). Despite this, cocoa farmers are oblivious to what thier beans become, with some thinking they’re used for wine or shoes.

I have created a brand with the Ivory Coast at its heart. Stories of where chocolate has come from are often lost, I aim to bring these back to life with Chocolat Cinabre (French for ‘Ruby Chocolate’, the language of the Ivory Coast), showcasing the people behind the authentic product, making them the key features on the packaging. Chocolat Cinabre will be farmer owned, so that the people of the Ivory Coast can take back the thing that makes them iconic. 
Chocolat Cinabre