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How to Write a Book Review

10 Tips To Achieve All Your Goals in 2011

As individuals we must take more risks than ever before because the world is moving very fast and if you are not prepared to come out of your comfort zone you won't make it this world. Technology has made the way we run our organisations very different from the past and sometimes for them to survive we need to take risks with the companies that we have built for years. It is scary but we have to take risks because it is life.

It's true. When you set a goal or intention, you have (hopefully) a clear idea of what you want, which is great, but if you're too specific, you could be restricting yourself.
I know it sounds a little difficult to believe. After all, we've always been told that you have to set a goal and then create a plan of exactly how you're going to reach that goal, and then you work the plan - right? That's something that has worked for decades, and yet many people are finding that's just not working any more.

The timing may not be right - often we're simply not ready to achieve what we want or we need to allow more time for other people/events/circumstances to be lined up for what we want to be able to happen. For example, let's say your goal is to increase your income and you have a certain number in mind. Perhaps you first have to learn how to manage what you have and be very clear about your current financial picture before you can attract more.

You may have set the goal too high - perhaps you need to accomplish smaller goals before you can reach the really big one. Or perhaps the goal is so big that you don't really believe you can achieve it or you may even be afraid of achieving it. It's true that people are often more afraid of success than failure - it could be that you think your life will change dramatically when you accomplish your goal and you may not be quite ready for that.

How to Write a Book Review

How to Write a Book Review


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