Mobile Calculator App
Mobile Calculator App Mockup
Build an app that serves as a calculator for a specific activity that makes other people's lives more convenient. Develop three scenarios of instances in which people would use this app and conduct user research. Apply user research findings to the functionality and design
of the app. 

Females ages 18-40 residing in the United States of America. These individuals love to shop. They need a shopping calculator both while browsing and when shopping for something specific. They are willing to search for discounts but want to be aware of when sales events are happening at their favorite stores. They are busy and want to know their total quickly at any store.  

I conducted three usability studies (tests) on different people of the target audience. I received various feedback from each one, but some of the key findings were they needed a way to navigate through the app. This was insightful because I had not provided a way for people to go back or look at a different feature on the app. 

I determined three different features would be most useful for my target audience: calculate single items, calculate multiple items, and sign up for sale alerts. The user would simply input the item amount, provide the discount in percentage, and receive a total. The user would be able to navigate the app through the use of a bottom navigation bar. The user would also be able to sign up for sales in their local area. 

I focused a lot on conventions and how culture plays into the use of apps. I learned very distinct items that were universal among apps. Users were crucial to my design and gave me insights on what needed to be improved. I learned from them how this app could make their every day life more convenient. 
Mobile Calculator App Screens
Mobile App

Mobile App
