Denis Freitas's profile

The Age of Centaurs


The Age of Centaurs
No dia 14 de setembro de 2018 aconteceu na Suiça o evento IKEA Democratic Design Days Lugano (a apresentação que teve como principal objetivo explorar questões sobre como viveremos e projetaremos os espaços e produtos. Designers, criadores de mudanças e mídia participaram do evento. Democratic Design Days atraiu diversos palestrantes visionários nos últimos anos, tive a oportunidade de ilustrar uma parte do conteúdo apresentado por Michell Zappa, Futurista de tecnologia, designer de informação e fundador da Envisioning, instituto de previsão tecnológica. Michell apresentou “The Age of Centaurs” sobre como a tecnologia pode potencializar as capacidades humanas. No primeiro momento fala sobre homem vs máquina em situações onde a inteligência humana confrontou a inteligência artificial e como essa relação evoluiu para homem + máquina e mostra diversos casos onde o pensamento humano e a inteligência artificial atuaram juntos. 


On September 14th, 2018, the IKEA Democratic Design Days Lugano event took place in Switzerland, the main objective of the event was to explore the issues on how we will live and design spaces and products in the future. Designers, Change-makers and Media participated in the event. Democratic Design Days have attracted a number of visionary speakers over the past few years, and I had the opportunity to illustrate a portion of the content presented by Michell Zappa, Futuristic Technology, Information Designer and founder of Envisioning, a technology forecasting institute. Michell presented "The Age of Centaurs" about how technology can enhance human capabilities. In the first moment, it talks about man vs machine in situations where the human intelligence confronted the artificial intelligence and how this relationship evolved to man + machine and shows several cases where the human thought and the artificial intelligence acted together.
Link for a complete presentation on Youtube.

Kasparov VS Deep Blue
1997 - NYC


| Complementary Illustrations

Kasparov VS Topalov
1990 - Leon Spain


| Complementary Illustrations


Centaur Chess


| Complementary Illustrations

Human Skills / Machine Qualities​​​​​​​


Google Deep Mind
8 - 15 March 2016


IBM Watson Jeopardy


The Age of Centaurs


The Age of Centaurs

On the September 14, 2018, happened in Switzerland - Lugano the event IKEA Democratic Design Days which had as main objective to explore question Read More
