Create compelling and appropriate series artwork and supporting elements for BREAK THE FAMINE. This should feel like a campaign. Something people could wear on a t-shirt or see on some merchandise. This should get people excited about being a part of it.
Type Concept:
We wanted the type to be powerful and aggressive because the call for your people to “Break the Famine” is just that. It’s not a passive thing that will happen by accident. So that ruled out any swoopy, delicate typefaces. We settled on a thick sans serif typeface we love and experimented with some scaling. This could be reminiscent of a sports or boxing brand. Also the words almost look they are going head to head, communicating that this isn't going to be easy, there will be a struggle involved.
Paint Textures
After trying several version with the photography in the background we decided to move in another direction. With these versions, the goal was simply to be loud and eye-catching. We turned to some really cool paint effects to accomplish that goal.
Alternate version
Coffee Mug
A lot of people drink coffee while reading the word in the morning, A branded mug could be a great reminder to dig into the word!
Break the Famine

Break the Famine
