Christian Ragain's profile

Christian Ragain Artistic Portfolio

Photo above: album cover for "Paint," a self-composed, self-produced album. 
"Paint" is my first musical album. Recorded, composed, produced, and mixed by myself using Logic Pro X, "Paint" is an album that mixes percussion from multiple eras of hip-hop with synth-heavy, layered, and jazz-influenced instrumentation. Although I provided little-to-no vocals on the album, many feature artists including Mvstermind, Che Sanchez, Que Houston, and many more sang and rapped on the album. My goal with "Paint" was to improve the quality of my audio-production capabilities while also incorporating my own musical talents into a project that would be available for all on an online platform. Having done so, I plan to further my knowledge on the technicalities of audio production, and I plan on developing my musical abilities as well with any future project I release. "Paint" can be found at my website,, where it can be purchased on iTunes or streamed on Apple Music and Spotify.
Video above: "Thrive," an advertisement for a school-run program that uses my self-produced sound design.
The video above is an advertisement for "Thrive," a business-building program that Webster Groves High School will be offering its students in the fall of 2019. The school asked me to produce the music for the video, and I did so using Logic Pro X. The idea was to get as many students as possible to watch the video, so in order to make all students feel welcome while watching the video, I used very relaxing instrumentation such as marimbas and bit-crushed percussion which are very easy on the ear. The music still evolves and develops during the minute-long span of the video which keeps the video interesting and engages the attention-span of it's audience. This video can be found on the school's website at The music used in this video is attached below as an mp3 file. 
Above: Sound file for "Thrive."
Attachment above: list of venues and events I have performed at.
The list of my performances above illustrates my consistent pursuit of musical knowledge and ability to work during live events. At all of these events I have performed on piano and have worked with the audio engineers running each event in order to be able to perform.
Photo above: "Hana" 
"Hana" is a photo that I captured as a part of a hobby photoshoot I took in a park in Ishinomaki, Japan while I was staying with my host family. The dark forest background forms a nice contrast with the sun-lit, colorful flower, and this further-emphasizes the beauty of the flower by its sense of being isolated. The picture would not have been the same had all flowers in the background also been illuminated by the sun. 
Photo above: "City of Stones"
"City of Stones" is another picture from my hobby photoshoot in Ishinomaki, Japan. This picture shows the city of Ishinomaki during sun-set. The unique color of the sky in combination with the clouds and dimly-lit buildings adds a surreal element to the photo.
Christian Ragain Artistic Portfolio

Christian Ragain Artistic Portfolio

Portfolio of Christian Ragain's artistic projects
