By far the most challenging yet rewarding projects I have been apart of. Having to coordinate with family and friends over email about your trip and sharing information is tedious and cumbersome. Wahdle takes an “Evite.com” meets “Expedia.com” approach to solving your group travel needs.
I handled the lead for all of the development and design. I was able to delegate and receive help as needed from both front and back end development. The UX and research was done by myself and I took my findings and outsourced to some of the most talented designers I have worked with to date. I managed the designers and the end result is the current design you see.
A fantastic project that I will never forgot.
Home page and start of the onboarding experience.
Add your friends
Select the hotels you want to show to your group
The event view with all your hotels and group trip information


Group travel planning is tedious and cumbersome! Wahdle aims to make this process easier.


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