Hi, I'm Chrissy. I come from China. I'm very happy to be a part of this fantastic team. The project I did for this exhibition is the website where you can see all of product we build up. It's great the see every one work very hard during theses days together. We all had good memory with each other. 
My art work is telling about the harm from gossip. The hurt from it can't be said, Like a root stuck in the throat. It is a knife stabbed in the chest and hurts every heartbeat. It hides like a needle in the soft heart. The pain it causes takes a lifetime to heal. It is a rumor. It is a proverb, it is a sword in the mouth. When you have experienced it, you finally understand the phrase "I hope you have no weakness, and you don't need armor." Without armpits, you won't need amor. Amor is just giving you psychological comfort. It doesn't make much sense. It depends on yourself to pass this haze.



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