"It has always been the prime function of mythology and rite to supply the symbols that carry the human spirit forward, in counteraction to those that tend to tie it back."
— Joseph Campbell
Why is it that every architect — from Aalto to Zumthor has designed at least one chair? Perhaps doing so represents the distillation of a complex discipline into something that is both functional and beautiful and which can be replicated and distributed relatively easily to a much wider audience. Logos may fulfill the same need for graphic designers. 

The word logo has its roots in the Greek “logos” meaning word or speech. A good logo has the potential to shape the visual identity of an organization. In our constantly changing world, conceptions of what a good logo is morphs over time. Take the trend now among fashion brands to ditch logomarks that have represented their products for decades for minimalist wordmarks that increasingly seem indistinguishable one from another. On the polar opposite of this pared down aesthetic are those logos that have the potential to transform in time and space, marks that can, if needed, be fluid, multidimensional and infused with colour. The style chosen very much depends on the intended message. 

Rethinking Global Governance, awarded The Global Challenges Foundation’s New Shape Prize last year chose this logo to symbolize the important work it is doing in reenvisioning global civil society.


Logo design for Rethinking Global Governance
