The Classic Nutcracker
Frosty the Snowcracker
The Gnomecracker
The Mad Nutcracker
"The name's Cracker, Nut Cracker."
The Nutty Wizard
The Nutterjack
Santa's little nutter
Captain Nutcracker
Mr. Minty Macadamia
"He's Mr. Frozen Nut. He's Mr. Snow."
"His nuts are on FIRE!"
The Nuttettes
The Emperor Nutcracker
The Patron Saint of Nutcrackers
The Sugar Plum Nutcracker
Naked Nuts!
"Holy Nutcracker Batman!"
The Wizard of Nuts
Nutcracker Noir
Cody Nutcracker (Self-Portrait)
Sgt. Nutcracker's Lonely Nuts Club Band
"Like a Rolling Nut."
3 Wise Nutcrackers
Nutcracker Necron 99 (Made by my best friend Kenneth Tryal, check out his behance page and Instagram @krtoonist)
25 Days Of Nutcrackers

25 Days Of Nutcrackers

This is a daily design challenge I came up with to push my adobe illustrator skills and express my love of nutcrackers. All the designs are mine Read More
