Tom McCrorie's profile

Ko-nekt play centre

Ko-nekt – Children's play centre
This was a great project to work on. The centre is for children with additional support needs. I had to develop the new name, logo and branding that had to make the centre feel like a fun place to be but also a centre of excellence for the subject matter.

The overall project look and feel had to maintain a huge level of professionalism and avoid being patronising to service users. 

The bold typography was pivotal in making the logo look modern and the O and T were representative of the service users who saw the centre as important to them. The O was representative of service users with mobility problems and the T was representative of people with less obvious disabilities.

The project involved name generation, logo design, branding, marketing collateral, print design and web design and build, uniforms, livery and external signage. The client required a non-patronising approach to the new play centre name and a brand identity that reflected the diversity of the service users using the centre.

The flexible secondary patterns were used in the centre and used on all of the collateral. This also appeared on internal way finding signs sued within the centre to assist with find a way around the centre.
Ko-nekt play centre


Ko-nekt play centre

The project involved working with some of the young people on colours and ideas for how they wanted it to be. I then took some of this research a Read More
