Joseph Babinetz's profile

Packaging & Logo Design

Packaging Design
I began packaging designs back when software was shipped on disk in beautiful boxes. Those times have changed with digital downloads but it's still an excellent opportunity when asked to develop in this creative space. I have had a long-standing relationship with one of the Paradise Bakery owners. What began with a simple logo re-branding has grown over the years to include website, menu and package designs. 

Additional branding and packaging design opportunities have been within the electronic cigarette (Vaping) industry. An exploding commodity that has grown so fast and also helped me personally stop smoking more than six years ago. Being tied to the community I had assisted in designs for product labels and boxes, swag design such as koozie's, key chains and novelty shirts and hardware design such as the hardware mods themselves. 
Paradise Bakery Branding and Packaging
This has been a great client. I have designed the majority of their line of branded products them since they opened the store. From logos, menus, packaging, loyalty cards, you name it and they have called on me. Amazing ownership that does not have the bandwidth to deal with vendors so I normally handle all of that as well. Every personal visit results in goody-bags so it's well worth it. 

Vaping Industry: Label Designs for 60 ml Glass bottle label
These can be tricky because labels for this industry are strongly regulated by the FDA. There are certain criteria that must be on each label and with specific guidelines for font usage and font size. Your design space is limited and you need to be aware that these bottles will be in rows on shelves with hundreds of other brands. The key was to make these 'pop' on the shelf. The 'Moose' logo had become so recognizable in the local markets so to promote that on the label was a necessity. In addition, the different flavor lines were easily discernible by a simple use of color with the blue, brown and green. 
Label Designs: Marketing shot photo-shoots on bottles

Hardware Design

Box Packaging, Koozie Design, T-shirt design


Logo Design has always been some of my favorite creative tasks to work on. To me, creating someone's logo is one of the most important aspects of a client's identity and very personal. Before I begin any project I tend to spend time with the client to understand not only the business but the personality of the people within the company. In addition, I always create 3 because everyone wants to have options.​​​​​​​

Below are just a few logo samples I'd like to showcase... 
One of my favorites was the 'My Handyman' logo. Turning the owner into a cartoon had his whole company loving the new branding. All of his vehicles had the logos painted on the side which was interesting when I'd pass one on the highway. They were big Pink Floyd fans so when I did the crossed hammers they knew right away this was the new look they wanted to represent their company. 

My design philosophy has always been to keep it simple but to try and create not just the words but an icon that can represent the identity when it's shown on it's own. Very similar to the Macintosh Apple or Mickey Mouse ears for Disney. 
Packaging & Logo Design

Packaging & Logo Design

Logos designed for a variety of companies from the auto industry to eCommerce.
