Modus Operandi is a UDK game that was developed as part of my Team Game Production class while I attended the Art Institute of Pittsburgh. The project involved the entire class and took place over the span of around 8 months.

Initially, I was just a member of the Environment Team and was tasked with creating numerous assets that would later populate the streets of the city. In addition to just creating assets, I took the initiative to design the layout of the level featured in the game, which I then blocked out in engine and made numerous iterations on.

My work eventually led me to taking the position of Environment Lead on the project. On top of managing up to 12 other artists on the team at once, I retained my position as the lead world builder and populated the vast majority of the level with the rest of the environment team's work. I also facilitated communications with the other teams in the class to ensure everything integrated smoothly.
Modus Operandi

Modus Operandi

Modus Operandi is a UDK game that was developed as part of my Team Game Production class while I attended the Art Institute of Pittsburgh. The pr Read More
