Rasmus Reinholdt's profile

Series ? / The Last Pilgrimage: A Journey in 3 parts

The last pilgrimage
a journey in three parts
press play
Part one: The crossing over 
Before time. At least before it was important. 
You would find yourself travelling through time zones on a horse or on foot when leaving your village. It didn't really matter what precise time you got somewhere as long as the sun or the moon was still in the sky. 
It was only after tracks were laid and schedules made that it became important what time you arrived. Today, most people think of time as a solid immutable thing that exists all over the world but there are still places, even in old kingdoms, where time slows down once you leave the cities and the paved roads. Places where time holds less power over people and how they move through the world. Today I'm going to one of those places. 
Out of the city, over the fields and the water to the other side.

press play
Part two: The yellow house
There are holy places that aren't temples or churches. Holiness, like beauty and all other worthwhile things, exists in those places between fact and fiction, perceiver and observer. Some holy places are old family homes, rusty playgrounds or in this case a hotel built in 1907 to serve the upper class and later ended up being a home for truth/knowledge seekers and levitating monks. This place was my home for over a year. I believed in it and it taught me more about the nature of myself and lack thereof than any other one place I have ever lived. It changed me and planted a thousand ideas in me.
It's been 3 years since I have been back there but come with me through the woods, almost dancing with fall, and down to the now empty and closed off yellow house that very recently was a church.
press play
Part three : the circle 
Many speak of and walk in circles.They talk about tracks laid and about what is right or wrong. They forget that neither the wind nor the sea cares nothing for suffering or man made myths, but only for the grace of movement and the depth of self. 
When I was young and learned about circles, I thought they were prophetic traps built for me by people that came before me and didn't understand who and how important I am/was. When I learned again, I was walking in this circle and somehow all the pain and the joy joined forces to choke my ego out for a few minutes so I could understand what Dante and Siddharta was saying about circles. They are everywhere.
Dedikeret til Jakup, Lisa, Pernille, Krisztián, Stig, Roger, Poul, Mona, Helene, Mille, Stine, Mark, Frey
Series ? / The Last Pilgrimage: A Journey in 3 parts


Series ? / The Last Pilgrimage: A Journey in 3 parts

A personal journey back to a important and now empty place. Featuring Kathleen Edwards & The Cinematic Orchestra AND Fleet Foxes
