Courtney Richardson's profile



Including uppercase, lowercase, macrons, numbers and special characters

Good Vibrations was created to showcase travel and the beautiful New Zealand beaches with a 1970’s twist. 
I drew inspiration and influences from the waves, surf and the travel culture New Zealand has offered.
I am a girl living in New Zealand with British roots. 

What has inspired me for my body of work 1 / typeface project is travel. I have been to many places in the world and I love the culture as well as the different experiences you get in each different place I visit. I choose my favourite place, New Zealand, as this is the county I call home. New Zealand offers the perfect inspiration for my concept due to its rich cultural heritage and natural beauty. 

Good Vibrations “High Tides and Good Vibes”, was inspired by my past travel experiences in the beautiful country of New Zealand whilst on a holiday with my family before I moved over. I believe New Zealand is mostly known for two things travel and the outstanding beaches it has to offer, so after careful consideration and research, I decided to use my own life experience of the big blue waves I observed at the beaches and incorporate this into my own typeface design. 
Through research I found that New Zealand is also known for having a huge surf culture and this surf culture started to populate in the 1960’s - 1970’s, so I wanted to give my typeface a 1970’s twist. 

This outcome, allowed me to experiment with big bold letters, and by using a swash style I was able to incorporate the 1970’s twist, as well as big flicks which are representing the big blue waves of New Zealand’s coast line.
Typeface Waterfall & Illustrative Poster
This publication was created to give an insight for my 'Good Vibrations' typeface, who I am as a designer /creative and the reasoning behind design choices/process of creating 'Good Vibrations' and 'Good Vibes'.
This is a short video incorporating my typeface, showcasing one main New Zealand beach, Mount Maunganui. ​​​​​​​
Director: Courtney Richardson
Shot By: Courtney Richardson
Music: The Beach Boys, Good Vibrations
Location: Mount Maunganui
Special Thanks: Michael Hadland
Good vibes was first created as a mock up idea to showcase how Good Vibrations could be applied, but I decided to take it further and step out of my comfort zone to create unique postcards and prints which would attract New Zealand tourists.

All the designs are fun and some showcase the main tourist areas though my Good vibrations font. I have also experimented with my typeface and made patterns with various different letters. These designs make the postcards and prints very unique and stand out from others you will see particularly with the 1970`s and New Zealand cultural twist.


Good Vibrations is a 1970's typeface, which explores the notions of place and time.
