When I first started working on my piece I was trying to think of things that affect people my age and how it affects them. Sadly, my first thought was drugs, so I interviewed people about how many people they knew were doing drugs and why?  1 in 4 kids in the US vape and here in our community, some children are being introduced to drugs by their parents (Richard Miech). I was shocked by this and it inspired my idea of building a drug house. I made the house out of thin bass wood and incorporated drugs through out the house to show how drug use is spread. the house is furnished in a very put together and orderly way to prove that it is not always obvious when people and families are being affected by drugs. I put the house on a record painted with oil paint to look like a suburban neighborhood that most people wouldn't think is corrupted by drugs. I hope that this piece will share awareness of the problem at hand.
Family Effort

Family Effort
