These three turtles were an obscne about of fun.  Let's start with the sketchbook doodles on which they were based:
From there I harnessed the power of reference and made them all a bit more recognizable in colored pencil lines: A red-eared slider, green sea turtle, and florida box turtle.
And ah, the awkward teenager phase.  I simply painted with watercolor on top of the pencil lines, which has served me well in the past.  From here I applied more watercolor for marking detail and then went to town with colored pencils... arrive at the finals!  I would absolutely love to do more turtle studies like these in the future; I've already compiled a list of species for the occasion.  Thanks for looking (and scrolling, yikes).
Three Turtles

Three Turtles

Three mixed media turtles. Basically, the most fun I've had in a long time.
