Character Design Assignment, 2nd semester

Create a map of a real or made up country, adding people, animals, plants, and more.

Located somewhere in a cold, stormy sea, this island is constantly exposed to harsh gusts of wind. Every living thing had to adapt to these conditions, one way or the other.

The human inhabitants are inspired by the Sami people with their beautiful gowns. Additionally, the natives of Windland work in pieces of lead or stone into their clothes, hats and shoes so the winds can't sweep them away.
The people of Windland live in rather small villages. They hunt, keep animals, and practice as much farming as the weather will allow.
This beast is known as the Stormhowler. The people treat it with the utmost respect as they see it as the embodiment of the wind itself. Nobody dares to provoke a Stormhowler. (design inspirations: hyena, wolf, wolverine, bear)
This gentle giant is called a Whaleneck. They live in herds near forests, burrowing their tails in the soil like an anchor. Similar to whales, they use baleens to filter small insects from air. (design inspiration: bluewhale, argentinosaurus)
Living at the lee sides of the mountain range, it is hard to spot a Foureyed before it spots you. (design inspiration: mountain goat, unicorn, spider)
These huge, domesticated animals are kept for their wool, milk and meat. They are peaceful, slow, and won't move unless there's a very good reason to. I called them Bishorns. (design inspiration: cow, bison, ... unicorn)
The Burrow Boar attempts to avoid the harsh winds by constantly being halfway submerged in the ground, burrowing its way through the earth. Its tusks act like a shield and a ramp, making the dirt fall off its back. (design inspiration: mole, wild boar)
Gliding from tree to tree with its huge ears, this critter has adapted nicely to the gusts of wind. (design inspiration: possum, flying squirrel)
A common house. The side of the roof that goes all the way to the ground always faces the direction from which the wind blows. 
The holes in the leaves allow the wind to pass through and reduce the surface to a minimum. The wood of this tree is also extremely bendable and robust.
The foliage of this tree forms different levels, allowing the wind to pass through horizontally.
The leaves of this tree exclusively grow in its own lee; it is shielding itself.
Every inhabitant of Windland assembled in one map.
A nicer map, featuring all of the breathing creatures at the margins (with their German names beside them). Made with InDesign.



A character design assignment from school.
