This was a fine art project where we had to create a book about ourselves. A lot of my graphic influences comes from the city and my travels so these pages show this.
This is about promoting Bristol at night. From the same brief as Street light tree.
This piece was in response to a drawing class brief. We draw skulls with text placed graphically on them. From the couple of drawings we did we drew the skull in context with a background and a more creative image. 
During our life drawing project, using different materials and a variety of drawing methods was essential. Here I have used a light pencil and used a scribbling method.
During our life drawing week we drew a long pose that took 2 hours. This gave me time to get the image as accurate as possible. 
These prints were in response to our printing project brief. The brief was to explore texture. I have added a graphic influence to this. But creating texture was my main aim.
The brief for this project was about promoting a charity or problems in your local area. I looked at stress and was promoting a "time to play" campaign which I made up to make people relax and enjoy their city, promoting social events etc. I aimed on creating a urban feel to the graphics using images I took around Bristol to produce this tree of traffic lights and street lights. Depicting the different directions people can take to enjoy life.
The brief of this project was to find three books and create more interesting covers. I also had to make the books look like a family, a set of three. 
In this drawing class, perspective and 3D accuracy was important. But in this drawing we had to use one colour. I decided to use a bright colour to make this piece stand out.
Laying down grounds was part of the life drawing project to create a more abstract image. 
Self Portrait. I was really pleased with this as it turned out better than I originally thought. It was created using brown paint and wiping away the light using white spirit. This was a piece done at the end of our fine art project.
Producting a magazine front cover I created many variations using typography.
This was a little side project, influenced by the kind of music I listen to. Liquid DnB
I created this space scene from scratch, being influenced by NASA photography and Sci-Fi space wallpaper. It is also influenced through the music I listen to. It also has helped increase my Photoshop skills. This was created during my free time.
College portfolio

College portfolio

This is the portfolio I used to get into Cardiff School of Art and Design
