Faulty Choirs
Character designs
These are original cartoon characters I created for - a music visual designed, directed and animated by me for the song of the same name composed, arranged and produced by OSYMYSO.

The film has been described as having a playful feel with lively characters, bright colours and psychedelic interpretations of the music. Here are some still frames from the film:
During pre-production I explored dozens of character concepts on paper and chose the ones I liked most and scanned them in, then inked and coloured them digitally using Painter and Photoshop. The music in the finished piece is unpretentious, bright and fun - all qualities I tried to bring to the cast:
Variety and contrast were also important.
For the music video I animated them using a frame by frame and digitally manipulated techniques using a combination of After Effects, Photoshop and Painter. I completed the animation in After Effects and Premiere using a combination of photography, illustration and of course the characters themselves feature prominently.

Watch the finished piece, in full, below:

The character designs were commended at the 2009 Digital Artist Awards and then displayed in Blackall Studios gallery in Shoreditch.
Postcards of my designs were also available to visitors:
For more of my stuff, check out my website: http://www.rafianimates.co.uk/
Faulty Choirs

Faulty Choirs

Faulty Choirs is a music visual designed, directed and animated by me for the song of the same name – composed, arranged and produced by osymyso.
