Murat Soydeğer's profile

Turkcell - The Love Doctor & Meteors of Love

The goal was to create an interactive experience using one of the Turkcell stores at Valentine's Day. 

We asked each half of the couple one question to see how well they know each other. Questions like, "What is your wife's spirit animal?" "What is your BF's favorite superhero?" "What's her favorite movie?" One of the couple answers -mostly wrong- other confirms or disproves, fun ensues, and we move on.

Creating the concept and questions was fun but best part of the gig was working with actor behind the rig, Sinan Mıhçı. I wrote possible ways to initiate with couples while maintaining the concept, some jokes to make and so on. He delivered all of them masterfully. After each couple I gave my notes to him, we discussed and moved on to the next. 

Written by: Murat Soydeğer
Creative Director: Arın Kahyaoğlu
Production: anima İstanbul

For the next Valentines day, we wanted to expand our reach and created a game to be played in 1400+ Turkcell stores instead.

My idea was "let's create a game that can be played with two players and requires coordination and harmony." Which I believed would not be possible through digital signage screens. I was wrong though. Turns out Pankod(Coding company) could connect smartphones to digital signage screens and make them work as joysticks. FOR TWO PLAYERS AT THE SAME TIME.

Meteors of love is a basic collect prizes and dodge the threat game, but the twist is you dodge relationship problems and collect lovely stuff. 

Written by: Murat Soydeğer
Creative Director: Arın Kahyaoğlu
Art Direction: Şerif Ali Ünal
Coded by: Pankod/Puul

Sadly, no good gameplay footage was captured. Shame, because it would make a fun case video. Here is a screen grab to show you how game looked.
Here is the infographic made for the event.
Turkcell - The Love Doctor & Meteors of Love


Turkcell - The Love Doctor & Meteors of Love


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