TVC Scripts for Fraud Awareness

Creative rationale 
Our intuition is often disregarded when it comes to making a life-changing decision. We’re taught from an early age not to depend on it. But what if we did? What if more people listened to their inner voice? What if we all stand together and check ourselves

An elderly man is about to draw his pension from the ATM when he is interrupted by a younger man. Before he can act, his intuition comes to play. It points out how he should think twice before accepting help from a stranger. And how Absa has a feature to temporarily lock your card just to be safe.

<<It’s pension day and you see a grandpa getting is Sassa/Absa card ready at the ATM.  A young man steps right up to him >>

Mkulu, this machine is giving problems, let me help you.

<<Time freezes - We see the young man’s expression freeze mid speech. The old man’s alter-ego appears next to him.  He straightens his real self’s hat, folds his arms>>

Why does he want to help you. You don’t see him trying to help when you’ve got heavy packets at the taxi? He’s taking a chance. Thinks you’re an old fool. An easy target. 

<<He  taps Thulani on the head>>

Slow down… think ... He’s trying to distract you…  Steal your card.
Tell him go. Maybe use that Temporarily Lock thing on the Absa App, to lock your card.

<<Time comes back.  The young man is about to speak again. Thulani looks at the young man and interrupts him>>

Haibo I’m good. Go now, ngiyabonga.

<<His inner voice gives him a sweet smile and winks>

Title:  Check yourself.  Join the movement against fraud


Absa logo


A young woman is watching TV. She gets an SMS that asks for her banking details. Before she’s about to act, time freezes and her intuition questions the SMS and what it really is about. Her intuition reiterates how Absa would never ask or change her bank details.

<<A woman is on her couch, watching a movie on TV.  The room is dark except for the glow of the TV.  You see her puppy on the mat. On the coffee table popcorn and her phone. Her phone vibrates and glows. She looks down and frowns. >>

<<TIME FREEZES (We see things like the puppy that was about to jump and steal her popcorn in mid air)>>

<<We see her inner voice (her alter ego) on the couch next to her.  Her inner voice grabs a handful of popcorn and says. >> 

What’s that you got there?  From Absa? You sure? They want what? Your banking deets?  What does “we’re changing your bank account” mean? Think about it?  Would Absa ask you for you deets?  Via SMS nogal?  

<<Pops more popcorn into her mouth>>

This SMS is shadier than that 100 year old tree outside. And what’s all that about moving your account? Slow it down… think Lerato… You know better.”

 <<She taps Lerato on the head>>

 Absa would never ask for any banking details or change your bank account.  You know that. 

TIME COMES BACK (Puppy jumps up start guzzling popcorn, sound of TV comes back)

Title:  Check yourself.  Join the movement against fraud


Fraud Awareness

Fraud Awareness


Creative Fields