Beerfest Microbrewery, a double storey establishment with an alfresco dining area.
4, Rochester Park
Schools, office buildings and residential blocks in the vicinity are targeted audiences of the establishment. Other commercial spaces including neighbouring F&B establishments in Rochester Park were also looked into, to help in up-selling the current space to draw a bigger audience.
The current establishment faces a lack of relationship in their spaces and also some waste of space in the second storey as it is mostly inaccessible to diners except for special occasions. This creates an opportunity for a more versatile space which can accommodate to events but also regularly generate revenue for the restaurant. 
With precedence studies on Mies Van Der Rohe's Barcelona Pavilion, I made a model on an open plan, studying flow and circulation of spaces that promotes constant movement within a space.
Ground Floor Plan      1:150 
Level 2 Floor Plan   1:150
Section Cut across establishment, exposing the 3-in-1 commercial space, Books & Brews.
Inside Out

Inside Out

Inside Out is a project aimed at understanding and connecting spaces together, specifically between the ‘inside’ and the ‘outside’ through human Read More
