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Week of Friday the 14th

This week we were introduced to water color pencils and how to blend them using water and different shades (picture 7). We then did a practice with those in our sketchbooks (picture 4 and 5). I accidentalky used a normal colored pencil with some of the blue so to remedy that I went over it with an actual water color pencil however there are some pencil lines still visible. Over all I like how it turned out for being a quick practice and my first time using this media. I also finished my Van Gogh boat painting this week. My sketch and reference are on the previous blog post. I attempted to ombre/ fade the water from dark to light to give it some depth. I also used the white paint in a tube to lighten some of my colors for first time (pictures 1 and 2). On Thursday we did a jump start that utilized the wet on dry technique. I first washed it with a very light blue and from there, layered the colors lightest to darkest as each layer dried. (pictures 5 and 6). Lastly, I began doing a sloppy copy of my second project for the semester. It is a still life/landscape of a lifeguard stand in my favorite place on earth, Ocean City, NJ. The picture I referenced to is one of my own. The photo has myself and my cousin Emma sitting in the lifeguard stand however when I drew my sloppy copy, I took us out of it so it wouldn’t be a portrait (pictures 8 and 9).
Week of Friday the 14th

Week of Friday the 14th


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