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The LEVEL Tunnel (Absolut Vodka & Hussein Chalayan)

The LEVEL Tunnel
BDC & Hussein Chalayan for Absolut Vodka
BDC was assigned to assist fashion designer and artist Hussein Chalayan with the development and production of an installation piece for the vodka brand LEVEL, a high-end product from Absolut Vodka. The installation was to tour around the world to 5 different locations to promote the brand.  Together with Hussein Chalayan, we interpreted his visions as an artist into a physical structure.

In short, the concept was to give the visitor a full body experience of the LEVEL vodka brand. A 15 meter long glass tunnel, with laser sensor controlled sound, water, scent and light was created for the visitor to walk through blindfolded. This to enhance the other human senses (smell, feel, hear).

A flute was made from a LEVEL vodka bottle, on which a Bach sonate was played. The tunes was then translated into the shape of an elevated floor with sensors, playing the tune as you walk through the tunnel. You actually walk up and down the pitch of the sonate. The scents of different vodka ingredients are released at certain points. Underneath your feet, the water moves back and forth according to your speed.  Light is following the tunnel visitor for the bystander to be able to visually follow the walk.

The tunnel was inspired by a cut through landscape, with all different levels, purifying the water that is later used in the vodka destillery. It was a great project to find a solution for a load bearing, watertight glass construction that had to be demountable and easy to assemble.
Pictures are from the display in Mexico City.

Project done while employed at BoysDon'tCry AB. 
The LEVEL Tunnel (Absolut Vodka & Hussein Chalayan)

The LEVEL Tunnel (Absolut Vodka & Hussein Chalayan)

BDC was assigned to assist fashion designer and artist Hussein Chalayan in creating a event piece for the LEVEL vodka brand. BDC worked to transl Read More
