All work and no play makes Lauren a dull girl. 
All work and no play makes Lauren 
a machine with curls. 

All work and no play makes felt a dull boy. 
All work and no play makes 
felt a mere toy.

The dull needle stabs;
A working girl feels -
She is felting pain. 


You were soft to the touch.
I never believed you could be anything else.
I poked you gingerly at first, but you just wouldn’t listen.
You kept being disobedient… flailing your flimsy fibers about.
I poked you again. Then again, again, and again and again and…
then you poked back.​​​​​​​

I felt it.
I felt the pain of coursing through my veins.
It consumed me.
… but only for a second.
I bled.   

I remember that it hurt.
Stabbing her hurt.

Dull Girl, 2017

Dull Girl 2017.

Dull Girl 2017.

Dull Girl 2017. was created in response to Nikki Juen's Lost in Translation project. Each student received a different object and created 60 vari Read More
