Over the past several years I have been slowly amassing a collection of graphics for some of the big Sundays on the church's liturgical calendar. I wanted them to be similar in feel so there would be some continuity between them. I've attempted to take classical paintings depicting the scenes (with the exception of Trinity Sunday) and separate the figures from their background. The pixelated background is created from the background in the original painting. In some cases I played with space and depth via saturation and blurring of the figures. I also have correlating background slides for each of these.
For Trinity Sunday, I couldn't find any classical paintings that worked for me. Instead, I took a texture photo of the underside of a washbin—I like the way the expanding concentric circles exemplify the ever expanding power of God. The rest of the texture is the text of the Athenasian Creed.
Liturgical Themes

Liturgical Themes

Projection Slides for various festival Sundays of the liturgical church year.
