When the patient comes for the first time to the Nutritional Care Center, personal data is collected like name, age, address, phone number, time of progression of kidney disease, comorbidities and medications. Then the patient provides the last biochemical studies requested by the nephrologist, such as glucose, creatinine, urea, uric acid, albumin, electrolytes, hemoglobin, lipid profile and 24 hour urine collection.
Library management system enhances user experience, by providing a compelling and intuitive search functionality to find content that is subscribed by Client, and request access/order scientific literature, besides empowering the system admins and librarians to manage the system and orders respectively.
This project is Information about , stroke prevention in atrial fibrillation, treatment and prevention of VTE (DVT/PE) and Secondary Prevention after ACS. This is an anticoagulant. And this is a latest-generation blood thinner that works selectively to reduce your risk of stroke and blood clots.
This is Page indicates the doctor appointment schedule for all type of patients.
This is specialize in custom medical billing from surgery centers to family medicine practices and more. This is management solutions for the operation and patients of the given timeline. Here is all biographical information of patient and the summary too.
Patient Dashboard
Biographical Information
Medical Dashboard
Libraray mgmt.


Libraray mgmt.
