Sligo Bay
The lake island of Innisfree, County Sligo
Ben Bulben, County Sigo
The river at Drumcliff, County Sligo
Glencar waterfall, County Leitrim
Lissadell House, County Sligo
"...great windows open to the South": the drawing room, Lissadell
The shoreline below Lissadell House
The Flaggy Shore, County Galway
Thoor Ballylee, County Galway
Thoor Ballylee: looking down from the battlements
Thoor Ballylee: the Streamstown River
"...the rook delighting heaven."
The lake at Coole Park, County Galway
Wild swans
Ancient wall at Coole Park
Gnarled tree, Coole Park
Inscription on Yeats' headstone, Drumcliff churchyard, County Galway
W B Yeats

W B Yeats
