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Book-Like Interface in Enterprise Reports

Book-Like Interface for Enterprise Reports
I have yet the vivid memory of my parent quoting Spanish philosopher Marcelino Mendez y Pelayo – “Que lastima tenerme que morir, cuando me queda tanto por leer” It translates “It Is a shame I have to die, with so many books yet to read”
I cannot avoid wondering whether Mendez y Pelayo would have welcome iBooks, and sacrifice the touch of the paper fiber at the tips of his hands with ease.
Despite early hesitations of the community to give up the millenary art of flipping a page, Book-Like interfaces have been able to engage audiences in a very profound way. Read More
Book-Like Interface in Enterprise Reports

Book-Like Interface in Enterprise Reports

Recent book controls support the creation of Book like reporting mechanism, if you get a hold of a license of such a control then more power to y Read More
