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Ignorance Kills

[ - work in progress - ]

"IGNORANCE KILLS" is an ongoing team project for the post graduate program in Motion Design (ESAD, Porto).

The main goal of this animation is to bring awareness to one of the most urgent problems of nowadays, violence against women.

The story is based on a real-life story told by Gustavo Carona, a Portuguese doctor working on projects in most conflict-affected countries in the world, like Pakistan, Syria, Congo, Afghanistan and others.

This particular story happened in Pakistan, where a local man refused to let the foreign doctors perform a Caesarean section on his dying pregnant wife, telling them he could "buy another wife after".

The story is not one of its kind. Neither does it only happen in countries like Pakistan. Violence against women is, unfortunately, still common all around the world and we wanted to once again bring awareness to this issue.

In order to underline the globality of the issue we decided to tell the story in a metaphorical, rather than literal way. Therefore, we aimed at omitting the original country references and concentrating on the general character of the problem.
In our idea the story was best told on 2 different levels: visually, as well as through a voice over narrative.
The challenging part here was to shorten the emotional story told by Gustavo to just a few short phrases for the voice over.
Here are the final voice over lines we decided to go with :

  There are still societies where men are Gods...
  Taking women's fate in their hands.
  Local communities close their eyes to these atrocities.
  Foreign NGOs are often not allowed to intervene.
  What kills these women is their men's ignorance.

Those are a few of our first story-boards:
And the final one, where the man is depicted as "the God" who has power over the humble woman and the flood correlates with the biblical flood.


Wire-frame sketching:

First texture experiments:

Color palette:
Styleframe #01

Styleframe #02

Styleframe #03

Transition tests based on a wire-frame mockup [ - in progress - ]

The compilation of wire-frame motion tests for the second half of the story, made to study the timings and motions for the future animation.
Ignorance Kills

Ignorance Kills
