Alexander Bove's profile

Abra - Ka - Donut! Cereal design.

Problem: Create a unique cereal using only assets created in Adobe Illustrator.

Solution: In order to create a cereal that both caught the attention of my target audience and could stand the test of time, I focused on two things; Making an iconic character that was simple and recognizable and to used textures to create a sensation of taste from my customer. 
End Result: In order to make an iconic character, I kept the design simple. According to research conducted at Cornell university, children are more likely to ask for
a cereal if the mascot is making eye contact from their high up shelf. In order to achieve this, the donut wizard is looking down both at his cereal and to the children beyond the box.

In order to emulate the feeling of texture on my logo and the cereal itself, I created a custom brush pattern to mimic the look of icing. The end result is a character that's simple and memorable with an enticing logo and cereal. 

Cornell Food and Brand Lab. (April 2014.) Musicus, Aviva, Aner Tal, and Brian Wansink (2014).Eyes in the Aisles: Why is Cap’n Crunch Looking Down at My Child? Environment & Behavior,47(7), 715-733. doi: 10.1177/0013916514528793
Abra - Ka - Donut! Cereal design.

Abra - Ka - Donut! Cereal design.


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