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ACAB 1312: Police brutality in post-Soviet states

ACAB 1312 is a book on police brutality in post-Soviet states divided into theoretical and practical research sections. Theoretical sections explore papers on the existence of police brutality in Russia and Ukraine whilst sections dedicated to case studies show Russia's current witch hunt of anti-fascists and people politically left-of-centre as well as explores the progress of Ukrainian revolution of 2014, its preconditions and consequences.

This project did not aim to compare Western and Eastern methods of policing (as they both do not work and need significant improvement), and choosing post-Soviet countries for this project did not mean my approval of other modern policing structures.

The main goal was to explain the influences that have shaped modern police in post-socialist states, discuss their main problems and, possibly, come closer to understanding of how it could be possible to ensure that human rights are not overriden by the modern almightiness of authorities in post-Soviet countries.

The book is divided into sections printed on different paper stocks. Main section that consists of academic writings, research papers and articles is printed on 100 gsm coated paper, whilst the “case study” sections — more personal take on the problem of police brutality — is printed on recycled newsprint to represent official documents. The book’s format is A4 as it was crucial to choose a bigger format that would feel heavy as the reader touches it. The book is Swiss bound.

ACAB 1312: Police brutality in post-Soviet states

ACAB 1312: Police brutality in post-Soviet states

ACAB 1312 is university project book exploring police brutality in post-Soviet countries such as Russia and Ukraine.
