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The Black Fantastic | Photo Journal

A Photo Journal dedicated to the many sub- and counter-cultures ubiquitous within Black youth.
— Candids from Atlanta's #CareFreeBlackGirls Cookout

I think we all have (or have had) some preconceived idealization of what the new Black Revolution would look like. Some of us thought it'd be in all black leather like the Black Panthers. Some of us thought it'd be on a ship crusade back to Africa. We imagined it'd be well-dressed, well-spoken, well-groomed. I am being taught that the push for civil and human rights will be none of these things. It will not be sexy. And it will not be filled with people who fit our preconceived standards for revolutionary members. It will be both poor and wealthy. It will be both loud and passive. It will be both "woke" and ignorant. It will be sexist, homophobic, and elitist at times. The people that show up to the cookout will not always be the Black idols we romanticize. God told me that what matters is that they show up at all.
"The Black Fantastic" is inspired by a single(*) from Yasin Bey's Re-Ecstatic album of 2013. Much like that single and much like this event, I'm hoping you guys find the same warmth, energy, vibrancy, and commentary within this series. Enjoy.

The Black Fantastic | Photo Journal


The Black Fantastic | Photo Journal

A Photo Journal dedicated to the many sub- and counter-cultures ubiquitous within Black youth.
