This project is a Pop-Up Store project that is demanded by the client, a cosmetic and skincare brand from Canada called Delizioso. Delisiozo understand the problems in the cosmetic and skincare market, one of it is the toxic that is contained in most of the cosmetic and skin care impact on user’s health and face skin. Their goal is to bring beauty to every girls and women with purest ingredients. This Pop-Up store was built to offer an organised program of beauty experience from the entrance until the exit.
Reception Counter
Main Display
This area is my project's main display area. Inside, there's a lipstick display which is located in the middle and there's also digital screens stand surround the wall partition. Visitors can try the lipstick from the digital screen and their face is captured from the camera and they can try the lipstick and the eye shadow from that screen
Mask Display
Moisturiser Display
Payment Counter & Storage
Pop-Up Store