Barcelona a tus pies - Chocolate Packaging

Barcelona a tus pies
Packaging for handmade chocolates

Packaging design for a collection of chocolates by the famous chocolatier Enric Rovira. They were designed to be given as a souvenir to passengers of an airline landing in Barcelona. This pack not only involves chocolates, but is also designed to promote cultural tourism in Barcelona. 
As tourists we tend to walk in a hurry to get from place to place and most of the time lose knowledge of all the detail in the floors. Barcelona a tus pies (Barcelona at your feet) encourage tourists to explore the city from a different angle making them discover its beautiful hydraulic mosaics. 
Each pack contains a chocolate frame that shows a sneak peek of a mosaic with the intention of guiding the tourist to one of the following modernist houses: Casa Amatller, Casa de les Punxes, Casa Lleó Morera or Casa Vicens
This pack is made out of paper and it can be easily assembled without the need of glue.
This is a student project for the Master of Structural Packaging at ELISAVA in the subject of Minimum Packaging.
Barcelona a tus pies - Chocolate Packaging

Barcelona a tus pies - Chocolate Packaging

Chocolate packaging for Enric Rovira as a Barcelona souvenir
