I imagine myself as some fun-loving, whimsical critters!
Pencil Drawing + Illustrator & Photoshop Painting
The artist as a flamboyant young zebra, with splashes of orange and yellow to complement her zany black and white stripes. They say stripes have a slimming effect!
Pencil Drawing + Illustrator & Photoshop Painting
Awww, Spring! When a young girl’s thoughts turn to - Snails! The artist enjoys a leisurely morning in the garden, dining on the delicious leaves of a blue-pinkity daisy. Life’s simple pleasures are the best!
Photography + Image Blending & Digital Effects
The artist contemplates art at an early age. Best to start early - so many fun and colorful things to make!
Self Portraits

Self Portraits

Digital Art • Anthropomorphic self portraits created from original pencil drawings and various photographs, including the first photograph taken Read More
