The Empathy Box
Thesis Project - 2016
Award: Mention of Honor
By: Maria Alejandra Silva & Daniela Rico

The “Empathy Box” is a system that creates and develops knowledge and culture with an innovative perspective. By creating emotional links with the children it allows an experiential comprehension of the concept of Empathy. This system is composed of three stages that are related with each other, generating in between expectation, remembrance, feedback and abstraction and knowledge of the concepts.
Objective of the project:
Help to develop the social competences in preschoolers between 3 and 6 years old in Bogota, Colombia by working the concept of empathy with games and elements that correspond to the Colombian culture.
The development of Empathy is vital to create value and impact in people. As the maximum social ability it allows to educate future individuals that are responsible, honest and with amazing human quality.
The Empathy Box

The Empathy Box

The development of Empathy is vital to create value and impact in people. As the maximum social ability it allows to educate future individuals t Read More
