SORORITY is the union and alliance between women, based on empathy and companionship, in search of reaching common goals.
This concept combined with creativity results in a sharing of ideas and a mutual contribution to raising women's knowledge, talents and skills.
Creative sorority is perceiving the feminine multiplicity that runs away from pre-established concepts of what is a "woman's thing." It is to reach out, keep your eyes attentive and ears on alert to build a society that respects women in their complexity, allowing each to perform the best and complement each other's ability.
Fleeing from patterns and welcoming particular conceptions of what is beautiful, we find ourselves in diverse, full and intense women to inspire the transformation we want in ourselves and in the world.

The future is female and so is the present.

Coordination/Creative concept: Clara Dourado & Gabi Dourado (Desenroladas)
Photography: Anie Barreto
Fashion and styling production: Tay Marcelino
Beauté: Carol Azin
Models: Desenroladas, Tay Marcelino, Carol Azin, Meire Nascimento, Ligia Chen, Rafah Alves, Isadora Montenegro, Fernanda Brasileiro and Sarah Veloso.




Creative Fields