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Ad Age Young Creatives Cover Competition Entry

The brief
Design the cover of the special June issue of Ad Age. Create a powerful image that inspires others to take action for an important cause.

Our cause
Undoubtedly, we live in a time when there are many important causes worth fighting for.
Children`s safety is one of them. It broke our hearts to find out that there are about 300 000 child soldiers in the world.
Child soldiers are children (individuals under the age of 18) who are used for any military purpose.
Some are in their late teens, while others may be as young as four. They are not only boys – many are girls.
Some child soldiers are used for fighting – to kill and commit other acts of violence. Others are used as cooks, porters, messengers, informants or spies, or in any other way their commanders want. Child soldiers are also used for sexual purposes.

Our cover
Gamelike call out that`s more like an S.O.S. The closer you look, the more disturbing it gets.
To find out more about the problem and see how you can help, please visit
Ad Age Young Creatives Cover Competition Entry

Ad Age Young Creatives Cover Competition Entry

The brief: Create a powerful image that inspires others to take action for an important cause. Our cause: Undoubtedly, in the world we live in, Read More
